Saturday, June 8, 2013

"To The Love Of My Life"

I am lucky to have a wife like Anne that is so thoughtful and thinks of others as wells as myself. Life without her would not be the same. She gives me the balance I need to make each day a great day.

I love her compassion and her honesty. It is a gift to have someone in your life that is more than a wife, but a good friend as well. She is the better half!

This song is for you sweetie....Click Here

Love, Respect, Friendship and Integrity .....They're Important. 

My Son Eric.  He has a great mom that nurtured him from cradle to adulthood. He has always had a sense of fairness and a great deal of respect for others. "don't sweat the small stuff"!, was his motto. His greatest gift to his friends and family is his love and desire to help others.

Eric turned his desire to help others into a career as a Physical Therapist. He has always had a knack for remembering peoples names (along with sports stats!) which made everything personal. Love You.

Friends (in no particular order!)
Many friends have had an influence on my life. Some just because they had good hearts and showed compassion for others and were honest about their lives.

Steve and I on a visit to New England
after years of not knowing where he is, I find him on the south shore of Bean Town enjoying a simple life.
He is a great example of a good nature guy, with a no nonsense approach to life that says what he feels and you knew exactly where he stood with you. Sort of a black and white type of guy. Even if you disagreed with him, you could respect his honesty.

Music has always been a big part of his life. The saddest news I ever heard was when he was no longer able to play. What is remarkable with Steve is that he picks up his boot straps and makes his way through the hardships he has dealt and moves on with a great attitude. A sweet and gentle man.

Arthur, my west coast brother!
This high school friend got close in later years while working as a sales rep for a major liquor company. He has always had a great sense of humor, a big heart and the ability to show you he cared and was there for you. 

Monday nights will NEVER be the same EVER. Laughing as hard as we did. It has always been the best medicine.

 No matter what the situation this friend always seems to be able to at least give you an ear. What I admire most is his giving spirit and willingness to step up when needed. 

I know that God has his eyes on you and will protect you and your loved ones. You are a good man. 

Bill "Pete" Sherwood. A genuine friend. A great leader and a man of faith and integrity. Since his passing I have been reminded daily of how integrity can change your life. Like all of us he had his shortcomings but he made up for it in his deeds. He lived his faith in a way that I had never witnessed. "God is Love", he would say.

I never got to hear "all of the stories" but the ones he shared or the ones that came from his wife and family impressed upon me that he was a good man.

Helping homeless families around DC and Katrina victims as well as sales reps that need help after hours...he was dedicated to help others. A quality, in my opinion, that is unsurpassed by any other act.  Even when he was sick he tried to shelter everyone from his pain so as to not cause them worry. When he passed, he said,"I am ready if the Lord wants to take me, not in a hurry though!"  

God rest your soul my "brother from another mother".

Ryan T. Some guys have it together. They know who they are, make no excuses and live an honest life. Although he is much younger there are days when he exhibits what seems to be years of wisdom.

Having experienced untimely losses of his own he understands that importance of family and friends and what it means to be there for the people in his life that need his friendship. His integrity is deeply ingrained in his day to day living. Someday he "will make a great daddy!"  

Nick F. Another young guy with everything going for him. He is now a proud papa of a newly born girl! Having worked side by side with Nick I grew to like him as a friend and respect him as a consummate professional.

Aside from his professional skills, which are amazing, his personal life is extremely well balanced and equally amazing. If you were trying to teach your child to be this good you might read the book about Nick. I only hope I am around long enough to more of what he will do with his life. 

Leaders are important. Integrity at it's best. His memory denotes patriotism and family.

President Reagan has shown how hard decisions have to be made in order to protect our way of life. I thank him daily for his love of country and his service.

As a family man he had set a good example for his children and generations to come. His romance with Nancy reminds me of my dads passion for my mom. I can see Ronald doting on Nancy all day.

For all that has been said about "43", President Bush had more heart than most presidents before him. He was misunderstood and misrepresented because of tainted reporting and political bias.

President George W. Bush was a man of remarkable integrity and history will show as such. He lead his life in Gods Favor putting his faith to work in everything he did, for family, friends and country. What more could you ask for?

After reading about his life and his path to the White House I am assured he was the right man at the right time. I will use his "compassionate conservative faith" as a guide for myself. I only hope to measure up in a small degree.

Thank you for your service to America and for the respect you brought to office of the president.

Many Thanks for what you have given me and making me part of your life....

My first session in sales training came from the "funny but serious sales genius....Zig!

I must have listened to every tape he made and even placed a few under my pillow at night, convinced that I would learn more while slept.

Who knew how it would affect my career! Thanks to Zig Ziglar and many others who followed it came in handy!

 Some of my better memories with co-workers in Fairfax. Big Boss "Bill" @ Shiner.

 Caleb - Scotty - Jeff - Bill - Miller - Myself - "RT", Ryan!

"The In-Laws"
I got lucky in this part of the deal! A lot of people complain about their in-laws but mine are great people. Leo, to have been able to teach and be a pharmacist is just amazing. I know your dedication to helping others didn't stop in the class continues in every part of your life. Jackie, I love your sense of humor and am thankful to have you as my mother-in-law. No complaints :)

Then there is me! 
Most of the time I am trying to relax. The puppies are a fun bunch and they have no agenda that could mess up my day!

I try to live my life by treating others the way I would like to be treated. Guided by my desire to be helpful I will always be reaching out to anyone that has a good heart and is in need.

My life has been shaped by many factors, some good and some bad.

Regrets.....that I didn't meet my wife sooner! Other than that you have to work with what you have in front of you since the past cannot be changed.

To all that have been part of my life, I thank you for what you have brought to me. God Bless.

More to come as life develops like a mystery!